FlexOS News

FlexOS Releases Report on What Hybrid and Remote Employees Really Want

Hybrid and remote employees want more flexibility in hours, renegotiated in-office days, and better support from their manager and company.
Last updated on
October 20, 2023 2:51 PM
min read
Daan van Rossum
Daan van Rossum
Founder & CEO, FlexOS
I founded FlexOS because I believe in a happier future of work. I write and host "Future Work," I'm a 2024 LinkedIn Top Voice, and was featured in the NYT, HBR, Economist, CNBC, Insider, and FastCo.

Hybrid and remote employees are simply intolerant of the old 9-to-5 in offices.  

But it’s not just about the “where” we work (43% of employees would consider quitting if told to work in the office full-time); the “when” matters more than ever, as does the “how.”

Research from FlexOS reveals that one in two hybrid and remote employees believe greater flexibility in working hours could substantially improve their work.

Key findings from “What Hybrid and Remote Employees Really Want”

  • 50% of all employees practicing remote or hybrid remote work believe that more flexible time to work can improve their remote or hybrid policy. Even people who almost always work in-office would like more flexibility in when to work (48%).
  • 30% of hybrid employees want more in-office days. Even amongst almost and fully remote employees, 10% think more in-office days will help improve working policy. But just as many people want more remote days, highlighting that the number of office days remains a contention.
  • Employees rate their managers a meager 7 out of 10 on their success in effectively managing their hybrid or remote team. Managers should improve on communication, task management, and team bonding, amongst other best practices.
  • 33% of employees want their companies to provide better remote technology and infrastructure support and offer a budget to set up ergonomic home workspaces.
  • 43% of employees would consider quitting if requested to be in-office full-time, almost three times as much as the hybrid and remote managers we surveyed in June. 23% wouldn't be happy but still return to the office. Only 34% of respondents would be happy to return to the office.
To dive more, check out: What Hybrid and Remote Employees Really Want

About the Study

The survey was conducted through the Pollfish panel of 200 hybrid and remote employees in the USA across all age ranges, seniorities, and industries. The survey ran in August 2023.

The survey classifies employees into four groups of employees:

  • fully remote employees (coming into the office less than once a month)
  • almost always remote employees (maximum two days per month in office)
  • hybrid employees (1-3 days in office per week)
  • almost always in-office employees (4 days in the office per week).

Respondents were invited using a double opt-in: they confirmed their interest, created a profile via a verification process, joined the respondent pool, and were invited to take the survey as they fit the targeting criteria.

Hybrid and remote employees are simply intolerant of the old 9-to-5 in offices.  

But it’s not just about the “where” we work (43% of employees would consider quitting if told to work in the office full-time); the “when” matters more than ever, as does the “how.”

Research from FlexOS reveals that one in two hybrid and remote employees believe greater flexibility in working hours could substantially improve their work.

Key findings from “What Hybrid and Remote Employees Really Want”

  • 50% of all employees practicing remote or hybrid remote work believe that more flexible time to work can improve their remote or hybrid policy. Even people who almost always work in-office would like more flexibility in when to work (48%).
  • 30% of hybrid employees want more in-office days. Even amongst almost and fully remote employees, 10% think more in-office days will help improve working policy. But just as many people want more remote days, highlighting that the number of office days remains a contention.
  • Employees rate their managers a meager 7 out of 10 on their success in effectively managing their hybrid or remote team. Managers should improve on communication, task management, and team bonding, amongst other best practices.
  • 33% of employees want their companies to provide better remote technology and infrastructure support and offer a budget to set up ergonomic home workspaces.
  • 43% of employees would consider quitting if requested to be in-office full-time, almost three times as much as the hybrid and remote managers we surveyed in June. 23% wouldn't be happy but still return to the office. Only 34% of respondents would be happy to return to the office.
To dive more, check out: What Hybrid and Remote Employees Really Want

About the Study

The survey was conducted through the Pollfish panel of 200 hybrid and remote employees in the USA across all age ranges, seniorities, and industries. The survey ran in August 2023.

The survey classifies employees into four groups of employees:

  • fully remote employees (coming into the office less than once a month)
  • almost always remote employees (maximum two days per month in office)
  • hybrid employees (1-3 days in office per week)
  • almost always in-office employees (4 days in the office per week).

Respondents were invited using a double opt-in: they confirmed their interest, created a profile via a verification process, joined the respondent pool, and were invited to take the survey as they fit the targeting criteria.

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