FlexOS News

FlexOS Releases Report on Hybrid and Remote Work

New research shows that there's 66% of hybrid and remote managers say productivity has improved and trust is higher than ever..
Last updated on
October 30, 2023 1:58 PM
min read
Daan van Rossum
Daan van Rossum
Founder & CEO, FlexOS
I founded FlexOS because I believe in a happier future of work. I write and host "Future Work," I'm a 2024 LinkedIn Top Voice, and was featured in the NYT, HBR, Economist, CNBC, Insider, and FastCo.

Forget about the myth of unproductive remote workers. 66% of hybrid and remote managers say productivity has improved since adopting the new working model, and 98% now trust their team to work even on non-office days.

A new survey we conducted reveals how managers of hybrid and remote teams do so with much more ease, enjoyment, and outstanding productivity than other media has us believe.

Here’s what we learned from “Myth VS. Reality: Remote and Hybrid Managers Report High Productivity and Trust”:

  • 66% of managers saw increased productivity, and 48.5% said productivity has ‘significantly improved.’ Only 2% saw a decrease in productivity. Managers said their own productivity has significantly improved (38%) and not decreased (96%)
  • 98% say they trust their teams to be productive on non-office days. Only one respondent (out of 200) said they didn't.
  • Contrary to popular belief, 77% of managers find it easy, and 62% find it enjoyable or very enjoyable to manage remote teams.
  • Managers report that employee satisfaction and morale (60%) is a major benefit of remote work, alongside a reduction in commute time and stress (54%), improved work-life balance (53%), increased productivity (35%) and an expanded talent pool (30%.)
  • Asked to return to the office full-time, 15% of employees would consider looking for a new job, and 59% would return if needed. Only 26% would happily return to the office.
To dive more, check out: [Research Report] Myths VS. Reality: Remote and Hybrid Managers Report High Productivity and Trust

About the Study

The survey was conducted through the Pollfish panel of 200 hybrid and remote managers in the USA across all age ranges above 24 years old, seniorities, and industries. The survey ran in June 2023.

Respondents were invited using a double opt-in: they confirmed their interest, created a profile via a verification process, joined the respondent pool, and were invited to take the survey as they fit the targeting criteria.

Forget about the myth of unproductive remote workers. 66% of hybrid and remote managers say productivity has improved since adopting the new working model, and 98% now trust their team to work even on non-office days.

A new survey we conducted reveals how managers of hybrid and remote teams do so with much more ease, enjoyment, and outstanding productivity than other media has us believe.

Here’s what we learned from “Myth VS. Reality: Remote and Hybrid Managers Report High Productivity and Trust”:

  • 66% of managers saw increased productivity, and 48.5% said productivity has ‘significantly improved.’ Only 2% saw a decrease in productivity. Managers said their own productivity has significantly improved (38%) and not decreased (96%)
  • 98% say they trust their teams to be productive on non-office days. Only one respondent (out of 200) said they didn't.
  • Contrary to popular belief, 77% of managers find it easy, and 62% find it enjoyable or very enjoyable to manage remote teams.
  • Managers report that employee satisfaction and morale (60%) is a major benefit of remote work, alongside a reduction in commute time and stress (54%), improved work-life balance (53%), increased productivity (35%) and an expanded talent pool (30%.)
  • Asked to return to the office full-time, 15% of employees would consider looking for a new job, and 59% would return if needed. Only 26% would happily return to the office.
To dive more, check out: [Research Report] Myths VS. Reality: Remote and Hybrid Managers Report High Productivity and Trust

About the Study

The survey was conducted through the Pollfish panel of 200 hybrid and remote managers in the USA across all age ranges above 24 years old, seniorities, and industries. The survey ran in June 2023.

Respondents were invited using a double opt-in: they confirmed their interest, created a profile via a verification process, joined the respondent pool, and were invited to take the survey as they fit the targeting criteria.

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