FlexOS News

FlexOS Launches Generative AI Top 150

Today, FlexOS released the AI Top 150. An overview of the 150 most-used Generative AI platforms globally, the report helps shine a light on the use of AI.
Last updated on
January 29, 2024 8:14 AM
min read
Daan van Rossum
Daan van Rossum
Founder & CEO, FlexOS
I founded FlexOS because I believe in a happier future of work. I write and host "Future Work," I'm a 2024 LinkedIn Top Voice, and was featured in the NYT, HBR, Economist, CNBC, Insider, and FastCo.

A new report analyzes online data to reveal AI usage is deeper and wider than most expect. Fueled by ChatGPT, the Top 150 AI tools generate over 3 billion monthly visits, with use cases ranging from defeating loneliness to interior design.

While the world talks about ChatGPT, AI in the Workplace usage is wider and deeper than most think.

A new report, “Generative AI Top 150: The World's Most Used AI Tools”, by Future of Work platform FlexOS, uncovers that:

1. While the Talk about AI is "Writing and Images," Usage is in AI Chat Buddies and Homework Help. 

According to the report, the Top 10 AI Tools include some surprising winners.

While the media frequently highlights AI use cases such as generating text and images, three of the top ten applications are focused on education, specifically Brainly, CourseHero, and TurnItIn.

Additionally, one tool in the Social and Chatting category, Character.AI, secures the fourth position across all AI platforms worldwide.

2. AI Tool Usage is Much Higher Than People Expect, With ChatGPT Beating Netflix, Pinterest, and Twitch.

The report suggests that the AI-powered tools generate more than 3 billion monthly visits.

ChatGPT, which accounts for 1.67 billion of these visits, is the largest contributor to this traffic. In fact, it is bigger than some of the biggest names in the industry, such as Netflix, Microsoft, Pinterest, Twitch, and The New York Times.

The remaining 149 AI tools generate 1.4 billion visits, with some notable leaders like Bing, Grammarly, Character.AI, and Google's Bard.

3. AI Tools Usage is Surprisingly Concentrated Around a Few Winners 

ChatGPT, Bing AI, Bard, Claude, and Microsoft Copilot account for 66% of all Generative AI visits.

ChatGPT's dominant position in the AI market could lead to a monopoly, posing risks to the industry.

Regulators and competitors will closely monitor market share. Grammarly AI and Character.AI lead their respective categories. The AI market may consolidate with smaller platforms merging to compete effectively.

4. There's an AI for Everything – 60+ AI Platforms With Over 1 Million Monthly Visits Cover All Needs

From architects (Prome) to English learners (ELSA) and from video creators (InVideo, RunwayML) to singles looking for an AI girlfriend (Candy AI), the report highlights that millions of people are finding an AI platform that works for their particular needs. 

According to the data analyzed, 62 out of 150 platforms have over 1 million estimated monthly visits across a vast range of use cases.

5. A New Generation is Growing Up With AI, And Employers Should Take Note

The heavy use of Brainly and Coursehero for homework help and Character.AI's Chat Buddies by younger visitors gives us a glimpse of the future workplace.

It suggests that the upcoming generation of employees may readily adopt AI in the workplace after getting highly personalized assistance with their school assignments.

Younger generations spend two hours daily conversing with AI chat buddies, indicating that AI team members could be integrated and managed alongside human ones, making AI an essential part of the future workforce.

About the Report, Methodology, and FlexOS

The report was created by analyzing over 200 AI tools, focusing on those used by consumers and individual contributors. It excludes AI sites primarily serving as indexes and AI tools predating Generative AI, unless they significantly pivoted towards an AI use case. 

As publicly reported usage numbers are unavailable or unreliable for a fair comparison, usage estimates were derived from SimilarWeb's average monthly visits and Ahrefs' organic search volume, with data collected on January 28 and 29, 2024.  

Tools were categorized based on their most popular use, inferred from company websites or search data. 


For the full report with all 150 Top Global AI Tools, further analysis, and details on the methodology, visit: https://www.flexos.work/learn/generative-ai-top-150 

For high-resolution charts and the report visual, please check this Drive link.

FlexOS is a Future of Work platform launched in 2022 when it raised 1 million dollars to positively change the future of work. 

It has since been featured in Harvard Business Review, The New York Times, CNBC, Business Insider, FastCompany, and The Economist for its data and insights on AI, Remote Work, and the Future of Leadership. 

A new report analyzes online data to reveal AI usage is deeper and wider than most expect. Fueled by ChatGPT, the Top 150 AI tools generate over 3 billion monthly visits, with use cases ranging from defeating loneliness to interior design.

While the world talks about ChatGPT, AI in the Workplace usage is wider and deeper than most think.

A new report, “Generative AI Top 150: The World's Most Used AI Tools”, by Future of Work platform FlexOS, uncovers that:

1. While the Talk about AI is "Writing and Images," Usage is in AI Chat Buddies and Homework Help. 

According to the report, the Top 10 AI Tools include some surprising winners.

While the media frequently highlights AI use cases such as generating text and images, three of the top ten applications are focused on education, specifically Brainly, CourseHero, and TurnItIn.

Additionally, one tool in the Social and Chatting category, Character.AI, secures the fourth position across all AI platforms worldwide.

2. AI Tool Usage is Much Higher Than People Expect, With ChatGPT Beating Netflix, Pinterest, and Twitch.

The report suggests that the AI-powered tools generate more than 3 billion monthly visits.

ChatGPT, which accounts for 1.67 billion of these visits, is the largest contributor to this traffic. In fact, it is bigger than some of the biggest names in the industry, such as Netflix, Microsoft, Pinterest, Twitch, and The New York Times.

The remaining 149 AI tools generate 1.4 billion visits, with some notable leaders like Bing, Grammarly, Character.AI, and Google's Bard.

3. AI Tools Usage is Surprisingly Concentrated Around a Few Winners 

ChatGPT, Bing AI, Bard, Claude, and Microsoft Copilot account for 66% of all Generative AI visits.

ChatGPT's dominant position in the AI market could lead to a monopoly, posing risks to the industry.

Regulators and competitors will closely monitor market share. Grammarly AI and Character.AI lead their respective categories. The AI market may consolidate with smaller platforms merging to compete effectively.

4. There's an AI for Everything – 60+ AI Platforms With Over 1 Million Monthly Visits Cover All Needs

From architects (Prome) to English learners (ELSA) and from video creators (InVideo, RunwayML) to singles looking for an AI girlfriend (Candy AI), the report highlights that millions of people are finding an AI platform that works for their particular needs. 

According to the data analyzed, 62 out of 150 platforms have over 1 million estimated monthly visits across a vast range of use cases.

5. A New Generation is Growing Up With AI, And Employers Should Take Note

The heavy use of Brainly and Coursehero for homework help and Character.AI's Chat Buddies by younger visitors gives us a glimpse of the future workplace.

It suggests that the upcoming generation of employees may readily adopt AI in the workplace after getting highly personalized assistance with their school assignments.

Younger generations spend two hours daily conversing with AI chat buddies, indicating that AI team members could be integrated and managed alongside human ones, making AI an essential part of the future workforce.

About the Report, Methodology, and FlexOS

The report was created by analyzing over 200 AI tools, focusing on those used by consumers and individual contributors. It excludes AI sites primarily serving as indexes and AI tools predating Generative AI, unless they significantly pivoted towards an AI use case. 

As publicly reported usage numbers are unavailable or unreliable for a fair comparison, usage estimates were derived from SimilarWeb's average monthly visits and Ahrefs' organic search volume, with data collected on January 28 and 29, 2024.  

Tools were categorized based on their most popular use, inferred from company websites or search data. 


For the full report with all 150 Top Global AI Tools, further analysis, and details on the methodology, visit: https://www.flexos.work/learn/generative-ai-top-150 

For high-resolution charts and the report visual, please check this Drive link.

FlexOS is a Future of Work platform launched in 2022 when it raised 1 million dollars to positively change the future of work. 

It has since been featured in Harvard Business Review, The New York Times, CNBC, Business Insider, FastCompany, and The Economist for its data and insights on AI, Remote Work, and the Future of Leadership. 

FlexOS | Future Work

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