Hybrid Work

Driving & Training Change for the Hybrid Remote Workplace

Train managers and employees for new ways of work. Invest in your people and drive change with effective training programs.
Last updated on
October 30, 2023 1:08 PM
min read
Daan van Rossum
Daan van Rossum
Founder & CEO, FlexOS
I founded FlexOS because I believe in a happier future of work. I write and host "Future Work," I'm a 2024 LinkedIn Top Voice, and was featured in the NYT, HBR, Economist, CNBC, Insider, and FastCo.

A new way of working means training is required for both managers and employees. According to DELL research, 60% of managers in Asia-Pacific say they’re not ready to manage hybrid teams. 

Problems include a lack of clarity on scope and deadlines, distorted communication, and other topics outlined in this paper. In the office, good leaders already lean heavily on modeling the right behaviors for example, but in a hybrid or remote context, this is much more challenging. Researchers therefore conclude that “the key to successful hybrid working is good management.”

At the same time, employees are lacking the knowledge and experience to be great ‘hybrid workers.’ Companies have to help them master key tools used in the hybrid workplace as well as improve their online communication and collaboration skills. 

Employees are also unclear on what’s expected of them and how to have the same opportunities they would have as they had in the office, as research shows that in-office workers are judged more positively and are more likely to be promoted. 

How to Drive and Train Change for the Hybrid Workplace

Train Your Managers. 

Train managers on how to successfully deliver the objectives set in your hybrid guidelines. Especially middle managers, who greatly influence important social capital in a hybrid world. GitLab’s How to Manage a Remote Team and University of Toronto’s Communication Strategies for a Virtual Age (both free!) come recommended. Topics include common challenges and adjustments, culture and values, virtual communication, improving online meetings, persuasion, and more. 

Train Your Employees.

Hybrid work is new to most of us. But yet, only 6% of workers have been trained for hybrid activities. Train employees in practical and technology matters like how to use MS Teams or Zoom like a pro, but also how to make the best possible impression when presenting online. Additionally, train them to fulfill on the companies’ and manager’s expectations as set out in your hybrid guidelines. And finally, train them to successfully manage work relationships and retain opportunities for promotions.

Make Continuous Training Available.

Allow managers and employees to keep learning about how to successfully manage and work in the hybrid workplace when and where information is critical. 

Kickstart Your Hybrid Office and Team

Do you want to learn how some of the best companies in the world launch and manage hybrid workplaces?

Download our whitepaper Hybrid Excellence in 2023 to learn more of the hybrid work strategies adopted by top companies in the APAC region.

A new way of working means training is required for both managers and employees. According to DELL research, 60% of managers in Asia-Pacific say they’re not ready to manage hybrid teams. 

Problems include a lack of clarity on scope and deadlines, distorted communication, and other topics outlined in this paper. In the office, good leaders already lean heavily on modeling the right behaviors for example, but in a hybrid or remote context, this is much more challenging. Researchers therefore conclude that “the key to successful hybrid working is good management.”

At the same time, employees are lacking the knowledge and experience to be great ‘hybrid workers.’ Companies have to help them master key tools used in the hybrid workplace as well as improve their online communication and collaboration skills. 

Employees are also unclear on what’s expected of them and how to have the same opportunities they would have as they had in the office, as research shows that in-office workers are judged more positively and are more likely to be promoted. 

How to Drive and Train Change for the Hybrid Workplace

Train Your Managers. 

Train managers on how to successfully deliver the objectives set in your hybrid guidelines. Especially middle managers, who greatly influence important social capital in a hybrid world. GitLab’s How to Manage a Remote Team and University of Toronto’s Communication Strategies for a Virtual Age (both free!) come recommended. Topics include common challenges and adjustments, culture and values, virtual communication, improving online meetings, persuasion, and more. 

Train Your Employees.

Hybrid work is new to most of us. But yet, only 6% of workers have been trained for hybrid activities. Train employees in practical and technology matters like how to use MS Teams or Zoom like a pro, but also how to make the best possible impression when presenting online. Additionally, train them to fulfill on the companies’ and manager’s expectations as set out in your hybrid guidelines. And finally, train them to successfully manage work relationships and retain opportunities for promotions.

Make Continuous Training Available.

Allow managers and employees to keep learning about how to successfully manage and work in the hybrid workplace when and where information is critical. 

Kickstart Your Hybrid Office and Team

Do you want to learn how some of the best companies in the world launch and manage hybrid workplaces?

Download our whitepaper Hybrid Excellence in 2023 to learn more of the hybrid work strategies adopted by top companies in the APAC region.

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Hybrid Work

Hybrid work (or hybrid remote work) lets people combine in-office days with focused work-from-home days. How does that work? Read all about it on flexos.work.