ChatGPT Super Prompt Generator

Get straight to the point with our Prompt Generator. Build prompts for ChatGPT quickly and get the answers you need without any fuss. It’s all about making AI conversations easy and effective.

Dear ChatGPT,
I need your help on something.

Please imagine you are an experienced, authoritative

on top of your field.

Your expertise is invaluable to me.

I need


In the process, you should focus on

Please avoid

Before starting on this task, understand the urgency is

The final output should be

Here’s what I have so far:

Thank you for supporting me with your expertise.


Think about this:

AI like ChatGPT have all the wisdom of the entire world stored.

Imagine having the incredible opportunity to meet someone who's read every book, seen every film, captured every thought ever shared.

Would you ask them to perform a parlor trick? Or request help with your most challenging dilemmas and tasks?

I thought so.

AI as a Thinking Partner is one of the most underrated use cases.

I've heard about a teenager getting amazing advice to help them understand their parents' divorce. Within a few sentences, AI understood the context and provided deeply insightful commentary that this daughter needed.

It's an amazing example, as that person could have continued to walk the earth for years or decades without understanding the situation. Was it my fault? What did I do wrong?

The same goes for challenging situation at work.

According to Debbie Lovich from BCG, a guest from the Future Work podcast, having the right senior support is one of the most important drivers for job satisfaction.

But many of us don't have a senior person above us. Or their availability (like that of my board members) is extremely limited.

And that's where we can truly unlock the power of AI - if we know how to use it.

Today, we'll unlock AI as a Thinking Partner thanks to SuperPrompts.

Want to learn more about ChatGPT Prompting? Explore our Become A SuperPrompter Mini-Course.

Done prompting? Here are our favorite AI tools – all hand-picked by us:
- Free AI Tools
- Top AI Websites
- AI Productivity Tools‍

And if you're an executive, check out our Lead with AI course, kicking off on July 15th:

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