Gen Z

Gamify habit-tracking to boost productivity + Alibaba’s EMO outshines Sora // Stay Ahead #14

EMO can change the way we date and fall in love. On another note, being productive can be fun. This tool will show you how!
March 5, 2024
min read

Welcome to Stay Ahead!

Subscribe to our newsletter to Stay Ahead in the Future of Work! Innovation news and productivity tools will be delivered to your mailbox every Tuesday.
February 28, 2024
min read

Generative AI at Work Research Report

How many people are actually already using AI at Work? Discover insights from our recent survey on Generative AI tools in the workplace.
November 21, 2023
min read

A Jobless Future? Interrogating Musk's AI Prophecy // Future Work #60

While Microsoft's Jared Spatero is happy he doesn't have to read emails anymore, Elon is seeing a future where AI has taken all jobs. Now what?
November 9, 2023
min read

Who Wants A Slice Of The $480 Billion Creator Economy Pie?

According to Goldman Sachs, the creator economy will be worth $480 billion. But it's not just beauty bloggers – in the future of work, everyone's a creator.
November 2, 2023
min read

Gen Z and Millennials are Stressed to Death. They're Looking to Companies to Turn Around this Wellbeing Crisis

New research shows that Gen Z and Millennials are stressed to death at work. Financial stress is a big contributor, but other factors play a role too.
October 12, 2023
min read

Employee Satisfaction and Retention: New PEW Research

New research helps you increase employee satisfaction and retention. Read what PEW Research has found and how it affects y
February 8, 2023
min read

2023 HR Trends: Side Jobs

The article discusses the growing trend of side jobs among Gen Z and millennials for extra income and the pursuit of personal passions.
December 14, 2022
min read

I'll quit! Five new data points about Hybrid Work in Singapore.

FlexOS report on hybrid work in Singapore reveals employee preferences, importance of office collaboration, and trends in workplace engagement.
November 30, 2022
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How to Engage Gen Z in the Workplace? [SHRM Keynote]

How to Engage Gen Z in the Workplace? That's why I discussed at a SHRM keynote, highlighting key strategies: job crafting, coaching, and personalization.
November 23, 2022
min read