Stay Ahead

Turn Ideas Into Money With AI + New York Times Sues OpenAI // Stay Ahead #05

You can turn your AI tool ideas into money. And most notably last week, the New York Times sued ChatGPT for "copyright infringement."
Last updated on
January 2, 2024 9:00 AM
min read
Evelyn Le
Evelyn Le
Strategic Product Lead, Stay Ahead, FlexOS
With a rich background in communication research and analysis, Evelyn guides readers with expertise, offering innovative advice in the digital work.

🎉 Happy 2024 🎉 and welcome to Stay Ahead #5 from FlexOS!

Every Tuesday, we share the latest AI tools and news to help you work smarter, not harder. 

In this week’s edition:

  1. AI tools of the week: Generate more ideas and even revenue thanks to AI.
  2. Must-read news: The New York Times is suing ChatGPT for copyright infringement, and Elon Musk’s chatbot is not working.
  3. Job board: Future-forward roles at Wikipedia, Smartsheet, Alma, and more.

Let’s dive in!  

Optimize Your Idea Creation With AI

The new year is perfect for new ideas, projects, and experiments. Ideation (idea creation) is a highly valuable skill that leads to innovation, the lifeblood of any company. 

a girl pointing at a cat saying "Thinking of a new idea is hard," the cat replying "Having too many ideas is confusing."

But while higher ideation (the number of ideas approved by management) correlates with growth and net income, people who ideate often easily get lost in thought.

Are you one of them? Here are AI tools to fill your 2024 with actionable ideas and dream-come-trues. You can even make money from them.

Generate Revenue From Your AI Ideas With Imagica

Do you have an excellent idea for an AI tool but lack a coder? Imagica will turn your imaginations into realities. 

Interface of Imagica, saying "Create any Ai by describing it"

Furthermore, the tool can let you share your project with the world and earn revenue from it. 

Price: Freemium. 



From AI to Soft Skills, level up in 2024 with thousands of online courses from Coursera.  

available courses on Coursera

With many topics, levels, and top universities to choose from, let Coursera enhance your career in 2024.

Find Your Dream Course on Coursera today.

Create A New Business Idea With Business Generator

The viral hit Business Generator can help you explore ideas based on the business model, revenue model, industry, investment level, and competition. 

Interface of Business Generator

Always had an idea for a business but didn’t know how to develop it?

This tool will generate a business idea with a minimum viable product, market fit, business model, and pricing scheme. 

Price: Free.

Need more AI tools to make your work and life 10x easier? Check out our Top AI Websites, Top AI Tools,  How to Use AI, Free AI Tools, AI Productivity Tools, AI Recruiting, and AI Accounting. Use our Prompt Generator to create 10x more powerful prompts and see more value from your ChatGPT usage.
Want to learn more about AI? Check out our guide to AI Trends, AI Statistics, AI Prediction, AI Cold Outreach, AI in Remote Work, AI in the Workplace, AI in Management, AI in HR, and Women and AI.

In the News 

Every week, we pick must-read articles about the future of work so you can stay ahead. 

This week, OpenAI faces a huge lawsuit for copyright controversy:

Elon Musk promised an anti-‘woke’ chatbot. It’s not going as planned

Elon Musk launched Grok, which promised to be conservative, edgy, and anti-‘woke’, unlike the liberal bias of ChatGPT. However, Grok might not be as effective as expected, as it has angered conservatives by endorsing diversity.

New York Times sues Microsoft, ChatGPT maker OpenAI over copyright infringement

New York Times accused OpenAI’s ChatGPT of “unlawful copying” and “mass copyright infringement” on the publisher’s intellectual properties. If the lawsuit is successful, OpenAI and others will have a lot more suits coming for them.  

(Update: OpenAI is getting ready to release ChatGPT 5. Check out our guide to its new features)
The first minds to be controlled by generative AI will live inside video games

Generative AI can profoundly enhance the video game industry. Game producers use generative AI to generate backstories and more lively narratives for NPCs (non-playable characters).

AI expert warns against telling your secrets to chatbots such as ChatGPT

Professor Mike Wooldridge warns students against sharing personal information and secrets with ChatGPT because that information might be fed to train the future chatbot versions.

Hiring new people in 2024? Level up your Phone Interview Skills

Phone interviews drastically improve your ability to hire the best talent. Learn from our People Ops Lead Grace and discover 12 essential phone interview questions to identify top talents for your team. Tailored for people-centric hiring in hybrid and remote teams. 

Jobs to Level Up

We want you to make the change we need in this world of work. And do it from wherever is best for you. Here are some jobs that caught our attention:

  1. Wikimedia: Group Product Manager, Contributors
  2. Smartsheet: Director, Product Design
  3. Alma: Employee Experience Program Manager
  4. Plooto: Chief People Officer
  5. Yoko Co: Remote Production Manager

Need more options? WeWorkRemotely, FlexJobs, and Remote are great places to get vetted remote-friendly roles. 

How to get a remote job. I read hundreds of first-person accounts of how people landed their remote jobs and interviewed someone who did it successfully. Read all the steps in my new article, “How to Get a Remote Job Today.”

How did we do?

That’s it for the first edition of Stay Ahead in 2024, the newsletter that keeps you ahead in the future of work. Reply and give us your feedback: what could we do better?

We’re here for you, truly.

🎉 Happy 2024 🎉 and welcome to Stay Ahead #5 from FlexOS!

Every Tuesday, we share the latest AI tools and news to help you work smarter, not harder. 

In this week’s edition:

  1. AI tools of the week: Generate more ideas and even revenue thanks to AI.
  2. Must-read news: The New York Times is suing ChatGPT for copyright infringement, and Elon Musk’s chatbot is not working.
  3. Job board: Future-forward roles at Wikipedia, Smartsheet, Alma, and more.

Let’s dive in!  

Optimize Your Idea Creation With AI

The new year is perfect for new ideas, projects, and experiments. Ideation (idea creation) is a highly valuable skill that leads to innovation, the lifeblood of any company. 

a girl pointing at a cat saying "Thinking of a new idea is hard," the cat replying "Having too many ideas is confusing."

But while higher ideation (the number of ideas approved by management) correlates with growth and net income, people who ideate often easily get lost in thought.

Are you one of them? Here are AI tools to fill your 2024 with actionable ideas and dream-come-trues. You can even make money from them.

Generate Revenue From Your AI Ideas With Imagica

Do you have an excellent idea for an AI tool but lack a coder? Imagica will turn your imaginations into realities. 

Interface of Imagica, saying "Create any Ai by describing it"

Furthermore, the tool can let you share your project with the world and earn revenue from it. 

Price: Freemium. 



From AI to Soft Skills, level up in 2024 with thousands of online courses from Coursera.  

available courses on Coursera

With many topics, levels, and top universities to choose from, let Coursera enhance your career in 2024.

Find Your Dream Course on Coursera today.

Create A New Business Idea With Business Generator

The viral hit Business Generator can help you explore ideas based on the business model, revenue model, industry, investment level, and competition. 

Interface of Business Generator

Always had an idea for a business but didn’t know how to develop it?

This tool will generate a business idea with a minimum viable product, market fit, business model, and pricing scheme. 

Price: Free.

Need more AI tools to make your work and life 10x easier? Check out our Top AI Websites, Top AI Tools,  How to Use AI, Free AI Tools, AI Productivity Tools, AI Recruiting, and AI Accounting. Use our Prompt Generator to create 10x more powerful prompts and see more value from your ChatGPT usage.
Want to learn more about AI? Check out our guide to AI Trends, AI Statistics, AI Prediction, AI Cold Outreach, AI in Remote Work, AI in the Workplace, AI in Management, AI in HR, and Women and AI.

In the News 

Every week, we pick must-read articles about the future of work so you can stay ahead. 

This week, OpenAI faces a huge lawsuit for copyright controversy:

Elon Musk promised an anti-‘woke’ chatbot. It’s not going as planned

Elon Musk launched Grok, which promised to be conservative, edgy, and anti-‘woke’, unlike the liberal bias of ChatGPT. However, Grok might not be as effective as expected, as it has angered conservatives by endorsing diversity.

New York Times sues Microsoft, ChatGPT maker OpenAI over copyright infringement

New York Times accused OpenAI’s ChatGPT of “unlawful copying” and “mass copyright infringement” on the publisher’s intellectual properties. If the lawsuit is successful, OpenAI and others will have a lot more suits coming for them.  

(Update: OpenAI is getting ready to release ChatGPT 5. Check out our guide to its new features)
The first minds to be controlled by generative AI will live inside video games

Generative AI can profoundly enhance the video game industry. Game producers use generative AI to generate backstories and more lively narratives for NPCs (non-playable characters).

AI expert warns against telling your secrets to chatbots such as ChatGPT

Professor Mike Wooldridge warns students against sharing personal information and secrets with ChatGPT because that information might be fed to train the future chatbot versions.

Hiring new people in 2024? Level up your Phone Interview Skills

Phone interviews drastically improve your ability to hire the best talent. Learn from our People Ops Lead Grace and discover 12 essential phone interview questions to identify top talents for your team. Tailored for people-centric hiring in hybrid and remote teams. 

Jobs to Level Up

We want you to make the change we need in this world of work. And do it from wherever is best for you. Here are some jobs that caught our attention:

  1. Wikimedia: Group Product Manager, Contributors
  2. Smartsheet: Director, Product Design
  3. Alma: Employee Experience Program Manager
  4. Plooto: Chief People Officer
  5. Yoko Co: Remote Production Manager

Need more options? WeWorkRemotely, FlexJobs, and Remote are great places to get vetted remote-friendly roles. 

How to get a remote job. I read hundreds of first-person accounts of how people landed their remote jobs and interviewed someone who did it successfully. Read all the steps in my new article, “How to Get a Remote Job Today.”

How did we do?

That’s it for the first edition of Stay Ahead in 2024, the newsletter that keeps you ahead in the future of work. Reply and give us your feedback: what could we do better?

We’re here for you, truly.

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