Evolving Real Estate: Form, Purpose, Location
Evolving Real Estate: Form, Purpose, Location

This is the eighth in our series exploring ten themes that will shape the next 10 years. Here we'll be looking at ‘Evolving Real Estate: Form, Purpose, Location' – the dynamics of the real estate industry are set for major change.
Number 8: Evolving Real Estate: Form, Purpose, Location
‘We shape our buildings, and afterwards our buildings shape us.’
If we want to benefit the most from all the themes in this series, we need the right real estate. Winston Churchill, in this quotation, was succinctly explaining how our internal environment shapes us: how the form factor, purpose and location of a space matters. The real estate is an input to whatever output is created within that space.
We spend 90%+ of our time indoors, in buildings, in real estate. And at an individual level each of us knows where we would like to spend our time. But at the collective level we really don’t pay enough attention to what our personal instincts tell us. Over the next 10 years we need to over-index on the need for ‘Human-Centric’ real estate. What form factor should a space take to optimally support whatever its purpose is, and where should it be?
Historically real estate has been very siloed. Offices go here, retail here, entertainment here, residential here etc. Asset classes were very distinct. Every building knew its place. Today though, everything is becoming amorphous. I work at home, use the office to socialise, and hotel lobbies for meetings.
Technology now enables us to do ‘Everything Everywhere All at Once’. RTO mandates fail because they fight against the tide of technology. The world of ‘everyone in the office, five days a week’ is fundamentally a pre-internet era construct. Which has just become clearer as capabilities have developed. As a society we are adjusting to this at different speeds, but adjust we will. There is no going back.
Hence the need to over-index on human-centric real estate. What matters when we have pervasive AI, and ‘the machines’ are doing alot of our work for us?
I think, regardless of asset class, these are the ‘Six Pillars’ around which we need to develop our strategies. Whether we are investors, operators or occupiers.
Health and Wellbeing
We have known for decades that the environmental quality of the spaces we occupy impacts our cognitive function. Get the lighting, acoustics, temperature, air quality, and humidity right and people can function at their best. And if you can do this in combination with providing different types of ‘perfect’ environments to suit personal preferences you will be enabling people to be as productive as they are capable of being. But YOU WILL ALSO be contributing significantly to their health and wellbeing. Over the next 10 years we, in real estate, will become super sophisticated about optimising our spaces and places to this end. From a business point of view, in order to get maximum productivity out ofyour employees, you first need to help them be happy and healthy:)
Ergonomics & Comfort
The physical quality of space really matters. Being human-centric means understanding what your spaces are going to be used for, by whom, and then very carefully designing the ergonomics and comfort to suit.
Technology Integration
Apple have become a multi trillion dollar company by seamlessly integrating hardware, software and service. We need our spaces towork like this. Spending ten minutes getting the fancy technology working before any meeting starts is a sign of not being human-centric. In a human-centric building your technological needs would be pre-known, and therefore delivered friction free as required.
Community & Connectivity
This is a fundamental pillar. Because it accepts that over the next ten years community and connectivity will be THE purpose of commercial real estate. Everything else will have been offloaded to‘the machines’. We discussed #HumanIsTheNewLuxury last week -and it underpins this. Why else, apart from doing what we cannot do elsewhere, would we bother to commute to an office? The best real estate will catalyse community and connectivity in ways we can barely imagine today. And they will have been designed specifically with this front and centre.
Flexibility & Adaptability
Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, has a sign above his desk that reads ’no one knows what happens next’. And if he doesn’t know then nobody does. What we do know is that every building has to be designed to be maximally flexible and adaptable. Across the developed world we are entering an era of obsolescence. Literally billions of square feet of real estate has outlived its product/marketfit, and will have to be torn down, or repositioned or repurposed. We need to be smarter than this. We must create spaces that people can reconfigure and adapt to their changing needs.
And then of course the sixth pillar of human-centric real estate is sustainability. Regardless of current politics we all know that we have to decarbonise the built environment. So this is non-negotiable and foundational.
In summary then we’re need more green, tech-enabled, adaptive, multi-functional space that is deeply human-centric, where an exceptional user experience is the priority, and all the technology, data and AI we can muster is created and curated to deliver that.
All things
Exploring how AI and technology are reshaping real estate and cities to serve the future of work, rest, and play.
AI is transforming real estate. Can you afford to not keep up?
AI adoption in real estate isn’t slowing down.
The leaders who move first will gain a competitive edge, while everyone else scrambles to catch up.
The question is: Which side will you be on?
📉 Still relying on outdated processes while competitors automate workflows?📈 Or learning how to use AI to negotiate leases, predict market shifts, and close deals faster?
The gap is widening.

Last week, I opened the waiting list for the next cohort of "Master Generative AI for Real Estate."
The list is filling up fast, and if you want in, now is the time to act.
And you know me: this isn't about AI hype.
It’s about practical, real-world applications that give you an advantage today.
The last group included leaders from JLL, BNP Paribas, and British Land.
Will your name be on the next list?
⏳ Don’t wait until AI is standard practice. Get ahead now.
Sign up for priority access before the doors close.
While these six pillars provide a framework for individual buildingsand spaces, we must also consider how broader societal shifts will play out over the next ten years.
Here’s four:
Decentralised Hubs
There is surely going to be a move away from ‘Central Business Districts’ to a much more decentralised set of ‘places of work’. We do need to congregate but not all in the same place. People talk of the power of agglomeration in Cities, but there is no bigger agglomeration of talent than on the Internet. Distributed working IS the future, and real estate needs to supply to this coming demand. CBDs will morph in Central Social Districts, CSDs.
We are certain to see a rise of hyper-local community developments. That have a deep understanding of their customers wants, need and desires and a laser like focus on delivering againstthem. Additionally, these are likely to be mixed use. The artefact oflocations dedicated to single use classes is a relic based on the technology available at the time. As we’ve discussed we are way past this, so it makes perfect sense for mixed use to be the default in many locations.
Transportation responsive design
Autonomous cars are here - ‘they’re just not evenly distributed’. Waymo, in San Francisco, operates a large fleet of fully autonomous self-driving taxis. What happens when this becomes the norm in major cities? When we don’t need any parking spaces? When underground garages and car parks serve no purpose? Structures are going to change and the potential to reimagine urban layouts is immense. Over a decade fortunes are going to be made and lost here. Start buying where this will have consequences in 2030-35!
Fluid Space Allocation
A consequence of flexibility, adaptability, technology, and data will be our increasing ability to use space more intensively. What if, forinstance, we could think of a curb as a delivery space in the morning, a pick up spot for ride sharing in the afternoon, and a restaurant in the evening? Or look at flex spaces today, that operate as places to work, meet, dine, socialise and more. So manyspaces only get used a few hours a day. There are 24 hours a day - use them.
Looking Ahead
The rise of AI and other technologies is set to be highly disruptive to the real estate industry. Form factors will change as ‘the work we do’ develops into being, paradoxically, much more human-centric because being human is our only selling point. This will fundamentally change the purpose of asset classes and increasingly merge many into one. Most importantly it’s the separation of ‘Offices’ that, I think, will make no sense ten years from now. They will become increasingly multifunctional - otherwise what’s their point?And finally we will be more distributed, and will commute less. We will though gravitate to places that are human-centric and are managed to optimise for this.
This doesn’t mean we’ll become isolated. Quite the opposite. If we build the right environments, focus on what truly matters—the customer—and embrace the future, our innate humanity will thrive. We will spend more time in meaningful, purposeful connection. In marvellous, human-centric real estate.
Real estate has always shaped society. The next decade will determine whether it empowers humanity—and that is up to us. Just as we shape our buildings, we can shape technology too.
What Do You Think?
I am intrigued as to whether this chimes with you? I am optimistic that, despite a level of disruption most people underestimate, we humans, and real estate people, can develop a better built environment that serves all our interests. Can we do it? In 10 years?
All things
Exploring how AI and technology are reshaping real estate and cities to serve the future of work, rest, and play.